Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2015

Function of decorin

Function of decorin

DCN - decorin - Genetics Home Reference The DCN gene provides instructions for making a protein called decorin. This review will concentrate on decorin s function in collagen fibrillogenesis as determined through the study of mice with a disrupted decorin gene. Provides isoforms, variants, PTMs. Decorin appears to influence fibrillogenesis, and also interacts with fibronectin, thrombospondin, the complement.

Oncosuppressive functions of decorin - Taylor Francis Online The extracellular matrix is rapidly emerging as a prominent contributor to various fundamental processes of tumorigenesis. Laboratory Investigation - A Role for Decorin in the Structural. This protein is a component of the extracellular. Decorin and its galactosaminoglycan chain: Extracellular regulator.

The role of decorin in collagen fibrillogenesis and skin homeostasis.

Oncosuppressive functions of decorin - Taylor Francis Online

Decorin - , the free encyclopedia

Decorin - , the free encyclopedia Functionedit. Oncosuppressive functions of decorin - Taylor Francis Online Among other functions, decorin evokes cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and antimetastatic, and antiangiogenic programs. DCN - Decorin - human protein (Function) - neXtProt NXP075- May affect the rate of fibrils formation. und Diabetes Typ 2: Symptome, Behandlung und Ernährung bei Zuckerkrankheit. 19kam das Ehepaar Bobath nach langer Zeit erstmals nach Deutschland.

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Laboratory Investigation - A Role for Decorin in the Structural

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DCN - decorin - Genetics Home Reference

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DCN - Decorin - human protein (Function) - neXtProt

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